Livre Officiel des Origines Félines

Breed's standard

Head = 30 points

Shape and size = 10

Profile = 4

Ears = 4

Eyes = 5

Muzzle = 2

Neck = 5

Body = 40 points

Shape = 10

Size = 10

Boning = 5

Musculature = 5

Legs and feet = 5

Tail = 5

Coat and colour = 20 points

Length = 5

Texture = 5

Undercoat = 5

Colour = 5

Condition and balance = 10 points

Permissible colours

Categories: traditional, point
Divisions: solid, tabby, silver/smoke, solid and white, tabby and white, silver/smoke and white
Colours: all except those based on chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn.

Permissible crosses

Siberian X Siberian


The Siberian is a large semi longhair cat from Russia where, despite a late international recognition, it’s been living for centuries. Powerful, an impression of strength emanates from him, confirmed by its round, very well-developed musculature.
Considering its morphology, the Siberian only reaches full maturity around 3 years of age. Males are noticeably larger than females.
Nota: colourpoint Siberians are traditionally called “Neva Masquerade Siberians”.


the shape of the head is a modified wedge, large with rounded contours. Viewed from the front, the cheekbones are neither high set nor prominent. The skull is broad and almost flat. Viewed from the side, the forehead is slightly rounded and continued by a slight curve between the eyes. The nose is medium in length and flat.


round and strong, it must be without pinch. Females often have a thinner muzzle than males. The chin is rounded without being protruding. Whiskers are long and thick.


large, almost round, they are set at least one eye’s width apart. Slightly slanted, without having an oriental look. All eye colours are accepted without relationship with coat colour, except in the colourpoints which have blue eyes.


medium in size, large at base and set an ear to an ear and a half ear width apart. From the side, they are slightly tilting forward. Round at the end, the ears have an important fur covering almost totally their base. Abundant furnishings inside, lynx tips desirable.


round and short, the neck is heavily muscled.


the body is semi cobby, massive, heavy and muscled, with a characteristic barrel-shaped appea-rance, due to roundness of the ribs and the musculature. The back is arched and higher than the shoulders, the belly is firm.


medium in length, the legs are sturdy and muscled with substantial boning.


big and rounded, the feet have abundant toe tufts.


wide at the base, tapering to a blunt tip, the tail is thickly furnished. It should ideally reach the base of shoulder blades.

Coat and colour:

semi-long to long, the Siberian’s coat is made of three types of hair: guard, down and awn hairs. The hair on the shoulders, lower part of the chest and back should be coarse and shiny. Ruff goes from back of head down to chest. Abundant undercoat. The hair may thicken to curls on the belly, but a wavy coat is not characteristic.
In particolors: white is allowed in any amount and in all areas.

Condition and balance:

The overall appearance of the Siberian should reflect strength and power, balanced by a sweet expression.


The coat follows important season variations, being thicker in winter and shorter in summer. Guard hair does not grow before kittens are 6 months old.


White spots and lockets in non particolor cats.
Straight profile.
Ears too close in adults.
Narrow or pointed muzzle.
Almond shaped eyes.
Long legs.

Withhold all awards

Lack of structure or fine boning.
General show penalties and withholdings.